The 2016 Earthquake in Central Italy. The alphabet of reconstruction

Journal title PRISMA Economia - Società - Lavoro
Author/s Piero Farabollini
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2018/3
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 59-80 File size 434 KB
DOI 10.3280/PRI2018-003005
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The proposed paper tries to take stock of the post sisma situation, three years after the central Italy earthquake, highlighting procedural problems and suggesting desirable improvements to the legislation governing reconstruction. The objective is to provide a complete scheme of the complex institutional processes related to the problem of post seismic reconstruction, by combining different kinds of information: scientific, technical, regulatory and institutional. The following pages aim at illustrating, through a sort of alphabet (where, however, some letters are missing, since the reconstruction path is not completed) the activity of the commissioner, the legislative and financial system and the route - with the relative rules to reach the objectives - necessary to give society the due guarantees. Such a great operation needs collaboration, sharing, intelligence, foresight and the will of everyone. And above all it needs TRUST!

Keywords: Heartquake, Society, Reconstruction, Commissioner, Communication

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Piero Farabollini, La sequenza sismica del centro Italia iniziata il 24 agosto 2016. L’alfabeto della ricostruzione in "PRISMA Economia - Società - Lavoro" 3/2018, pp 59-80, DOI: 10.3280/PRI2018-003005