Author/s Lorenzo Giannini, Alessandro Fiori
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2019/58
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 27-43 File size 561 KB
DOI 10.3280/SC2019-058002
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Donaction is a project promoted by the Marche Region and by several voluntary associations which aims to inform and raise awareness among the young attending secondary schools about donation. The article presents the results of a questionnaire administered to more than 1000 students participating in the project and a series of semi-structured interviews in order to verify both student’s attitudes about donation practices and the effectiveness of the project itself. The research identifies a series of factors that can have a positive role on young generations’ perceptions about donation.
Keywords: Donation, students, questionnaire, interviews, organs, family.
Lorenzo Giannini, Alessandro Fiori, Gli atteggiamenti dei giovani marchigiani di fronte al tema della donazione. Un’analisi del progetto regionale Donaction in "SOCIOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE " 58/2019, pp 27-43, DOI: 10.3280/SC2019-058002