The organizational and professional conditions of smart working after the emergency: designing ubiquitous work made up of open roles and broadband professions

Author/s Federico Butera
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2020/1
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 141-165 File size 349 KB
DOI 10.3280/SO2020-001006
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The Covid-19 lockdown generated an unprecedented experiment: extensive ubiquitous work (or smart working, home working, remote working, WFH-Working from Home, agile work, teleworking) involving almost 8 million people. This way of working has been well known for more than twenty years, but with limited pilot experiences. After the emergency, ubiquitous work may be consolidated and spreaded out only if it is designed and managed with rigor, method and appropriateness to different contexts, choosing the right proportion between on-site work and remote work. Action should be taken on rules, supporting technologies, way of managing work and life, mindset, but above all on the conception of offices and their organization and work, also inspired by success stories developed in these years. Ubiquitous work and blended offices between the physical and the virtual can work well under three socio-organizational conditions: a) going beyond the concept of the office-factory; b) favor organizations based on sociotechnical systems oriented towards measurable economic and social objectives and on 4C model (self-regulated cooperation, knowledge sharing, extended communication, performing community); c) redesigning the work based upon roles and professions, overcoming tasks, positions and levels. Our proposals concern first the methods and models for designing and managin smart working/ubiquitous work and second the launch of: a) a large multidisciplinary research program on the "smart working experiment" tooking place during and immediately after lockdown, a program to be conducted collaboratively by Italian research centers and universities, in strong relationship with Europe; b) a support program for SMEs and the Public Administration offered by universities, IT companies, consultancy, training, interior design with sustainable methods and costs. The recipients of the first proposal are companies and public administrations and their stakeholders; the recipients of the second proposal are the world of research and the world of public policies based upon pacts agreements among institutions and intermediate bodies like employers and workers agencies, education systems, media and the others .

Keywords: Smart working, home working, remote working, WFH Working from Home, agile work, teleworking, ubiquitous work, sociotechnical systems, roles, broadband professions

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Federico Butera, Le condizioni organizzative e professionali dello smart working dopo l’emergenza: progettare il lavoro ubiquo fatto di ruoli aperti e di professioni a larga banda in "STUDI ORGANIZZATIVI " 1/2020, pp 141-165, DOI: 10.3280/SO2020-001006