Transformations in retail trade within urban atmosphere. Sonic environment and public space attractiveness in the historical centre of Mestre

Author/s Nicola Di Croce
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/130
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 5-26 File size 182 KB
DOI 10.3280/ASUR2021-130001
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The article investigates the transformations of Mestre (Venice) inner city’s public space by considering the changing of retail trade and the public policies designed for its revitalizations. The aim is to analyse the variations in historical centre’s attractiveness taking into account its atmosphere its symbolic and perceptual character - and more particularly its sonic environment.

Keywords: Retail trade; public space; attractiveness; sonic environment; urban policies.

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Nicola Di Croce, Le trasformazioni del commercio nell’atmosfera urbana. Ambiente sonoro e attrattività dello spazio pubblico nel centro storico di Mestre in "ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI" 130/2021, pp 5-26, DOI: 10.3280/ASUR2021-130001