Author/s Mario Rodriguez
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2021/36
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 94-102 File size 174 KB
DOI 10.3280/EDS2021-036009
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Eulogy of extravagance. In our society, interdependencies and complexity domi-nate. The exponential growth of complexity inextricably linked to digitization drags with it that of specializations. Knowledge is fragmented and its articulation on the one hand requires the delimitation of individual boundaries to have self-consciousness, on the other it requires the development of interactions with the environment in order not to risk sclerosis. Therefore, on the one hand, a self-referential closure is indispensable, a verticalization of knowledge, a sectoral specialization that makes one take note of the logic of one’s own system. But, on the other hand, interaction, exchange, competition with other systems that re-spond to other logics, and which constitute the environment in which the disci-plinary sub-system evolves is equally essential. Generalism as a specialization, therefore. Generalism, not genericity. Generalism as a search for an overall, transversal, non-single-cause vision. A vision of the system. Knowledge can only be crossing, extra vagante. Follow the patchwork of the possible of evolution. For this it is essential to intertwine different fields of knowledge, to develop a proudly mestizo if not bastard hybrid culture.
Keywords: complexity, specialization, communication, interdependencies, sys-tems.
Mario Rodriguez, Elogio della extravaganza (bastard is beautiful) in "EDUCAZIONE SENTIMENTALE" 36/2021, pp 94-102, DOI: 10.3280/EDS2021-036009