Personal data protection in Kazakhstan and the EU: Comparative-legal analysis

Author/s Yernar Ye. Yerbolatov, Serik K. Zhetpisov, Aleksey V. Boretsky, Gulnar A. Alibayeva, Yuriy Yu. Kolesnikov
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/1
Language English Pages 20 P. 69-88 File size 107 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2022-001005
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The rapid development of information technology, which penetrates all spheres of public life, has contributed to the emergence of new legal relations regarding per-sonal information protection. In the conditions of the information society for-mation, the right to inviolability of person’s private life acquires a special value. The purpose of the study is to analyze the issues of the personal data protection legal regulation in foreign countries and to develop scientifically based proposals for the improvement and systematization of the regulatory framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensuring personal data confidentiality. The methodological basis of the research constitutes general scientific methods (in particular, philosophical, dialectical, synergetic, inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis, formalization, analogy, materialistic and empirical methods) in order to ensure the integrity and balance of the research. The legislation of the CIS member states in the field of personal data is not developing as dynamically as in Europe-an countries. The regulatory provisions analysis showed that in the Republic of Kazakhstan a number of aspects stipulated by European legislation are not ap-plied. Nowadays, in the legal regulation of the personal data circulation and pro-tection, various problems need resolving in order to guarantee the right to the citi-zens’ personal data protection. Improving and amending the legislation of the Re-public of Kazakhstan in the field of personal data should place it on the leading states level.

Keywords: personal information; confidential information; public figures; the right to privacy; protection of personal data.

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  • Vulnerability of personal data of Kazakhstani citizens and the need to implement the European experience Serik Zhetpissov, Nursulun Mussabekova, Gulnar Alibayeva, Olga Dubovitskay, Zhadyra Talipova, in RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA' 2/2024 pp.305
    DOI: 10.3280/RISS2024-002017

Yernar Ye. Yerbolatov, Serik K. Zhetpisov, Aleksey V. Boretsky, Gulnar A. Alibayeva, Yuriy Yu. Kolesnikov, Personal data protection in Kazakhstan and the EU: Comparative-legal analysis in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 1/2022, pp 69-88, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2022-001005