The national collective bargaining agreements, the role of the confederal unions and the workers covered

Author/s Nicolò Giangrande
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/3
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 33-42 File size 335 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2022-003004
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In the recent public debate that accompanied the approval of the Directive on adequate mini-mum wages in the European Union, questions arose about the state of collective bargaining in Italy and how many workers it covers. Italy, despite being a country historically characterised by a consolidated system of industrial relations, still does not have definitive, formally recog-nised statistics on collective bargaining coverage which can be used as a reference for policy-making. Based on these premises, we examined, using official data, the number of National Collective Bargaining Agreements (Ncba), the contracting unions and the number of employ-ees actually covered both in the private sector, excluding the agricultural and domestic sectors, and in the public sector. The research shows a very high rate coverage of the Ncba signed by the largest confederal unions (Cgil, Cisl, Uil) and an anomalous proliferation of Ncba which, although covering a small number of workers, can exert a downward pressure on the wages and conditions set in the more well-established and representative Ncba.

Keywords: Employment, Collective Bargaining, Trade Unions, Industrial Relations

Jel codes: E24, J52, J51, J53

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Nicolò Giangrande, I contratti collettivi nazionali di lavoro, il ruolo dei sindacati confederali e i lavoratori coperti in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 3/2022, pp 33-42, DOI: 10.3280/ES2022-003004