An assessment of the scientific merits of action research

Author/s Gerald I. Susman, Roger D. Evered
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2022/2
Language English Pages 27 P. 135-161 File size 343 KB
DOI 10.3280/SO2022-002006
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This article describes the deficiencies of positivist science for generating knowledge for use in solving problems that members of organizations face. Action research is introduced as a method for correcting these deficiencies. When action research is tested against the criteria of positivist science, action research is found not to meet its critical tests. The appropriateness of positivist science is questioned as a basis for judging the scientific merits of action research. Action research can base its legitimacy as science in philosophical traditions that are different from those which legitimate positivist science. Criteria and methods of science appropriate to action research are offered.

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  • Collaborative Research Design Anders Haug, Ewout Reitsma, Kristian Bloch Haug, pp.277 (ISBN:978-3-031-70148-1)

Gerald I. Susman, Roger D. Evered, An assessment of the scientific merits of action research in "STUDI ORGANIZZATIVI " 2/2022, pp 135-161, DOI: 10.3280/SO2022-002006