Sustainability and Human Rights

Author/s Maurizio Bonolis
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2022/2 Suppl.
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 13-30 File size 275 KB
DOI 10.3280/WE2022-002-S1003
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The purpose and task of a national and supranational economic planning such as the one characterizing the PNRR, after the pandemic crisis of 2020, is necessarily intertwined with compliance with the principle of sustainability of projects aimed at relaunching the economic-productive systems. The implementation of operations inspired by the model of a consequentialist rationality, which is the basis of sustainability control, must however come to terms with the demands from the recipients of the intervention measures and therefore with the social differentiation of users and holders of the right to support policies. This evidence must in turn consider the fact that the horizon of Rights cannot be considered as an inert system, but rather as characterized by shifts and changes and by an ongoing redefinition of the content of Human Rights. The principle of sustainability therefore also involves the field of culture and that of the symbolic compatibilities of a national community, raising questions that generate a difficult political-cultural governance.

Keywords: Sustainability; Human Rights; Subjective rights; PNRR; Rationality.

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Maurizio Bonolis, Sostenibilità e Diritti Umani in "WELFARE E ERGONOMIA" 2 Suppl./2022, pp 13-30, DOI: 10.3280/WE2022-002-S1003