International legal agreements on the provision of environmental sustainability

Author/s Zhanar T. Karasheva, Aiman B. Omarova, Gulmira G. Nurakhmetova, Ainash A. Yessekeyeva, Aizhan S. Moldagaliyeva
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/1 T.
Language English Pages 16 P. 135-150 File size 95 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2023-001-S1009
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The relevance of the subject is the need for immediate international legal regulation and international cooperation between countries in the process of combating the global problem of environmental security and sustainable development. The author analyses the current state of environmental security at the international level and identifies the problems, advantages and disadvantages of international regulation. The results of this study are recommendations on international partnership in environmental nature protection. The authors therefore proposed ways to improve the international legal regu-ation of environmental sustainability. Having analysed the main international legal agreements, recommendations on elimination of shortcomings to achieve effective in- ternational cooperation in the mentioned sphere were provided.

Keywords: treaty; convention; regulation; cooperation; environmental problems; se- curity.

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Zhanar T. Karasheva, Aiman B. Omarova, Gulmira G. Nurakhmetova, Ainash A. Yessekeyeva, Aizhan S. Moldagaliyeva, International legal agreements on the provision of environmental sustainability in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 1 T./2023, pp 135-150, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2023-001-S1009