Journal title CADMO
Author/s Alberto Fornasari
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2024/2
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 44-60 File size 328 KB
DOI 10.3280/CAD2024-002004
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This study focuses on the implementation of gamification within educational contexts, with particular emphasis on school inclusion. The PYRAMID project (an acronym for Promoting cooperative game-based learning in Young students: unRaveling Active Methodologies for Inclusion and Disabilities) aims to evaluate the effectiveness of game-based teaching methodologies in promoting the acquisition of transversal skills and fostering the active engagement of all students, including those with special educational needs. Through an experimental approach, the study seeks to analyze the impact of game elements on intrinsic motivation, active participation, and learning outcomes. It is hypothesized that gamification, by creating immersive and interactive learning environments, can stimulate greater student engagement and facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Data regarding the effectiveness of game-based methodologies are not included in the present contribution, as the project is still in its experimental phase. However, these results will be presented in a subsequent publication. It is hoped that the collected evidence will demonstrate the effectiveness of gamification in promoting personalized and inclusive learning, offering practical guidance for the design of innovative educational interventions.
Keywords: gamification, active learning, school inclusion, special educational needs, formative assessment, instructional design.
Alberto Fornasari, Gamification e inclusione scolastica: il progetto PYRAMID per promuovere competenze trasversali e partecipazione attiva negli studenti in "CADMO" 2/2024, pp 44-60, DOI: 10.3280/CAD2024-002004