Intervention-Research, Sociology of Action and Subjectivation Processes in the Transformations of Work and Social Life

Author/s Daniele Di Nunzio, Emanuele Toscano
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2024/170
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 166-186 File size 229 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2024-170010
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This article presents a theoretical and methodological analysis on intervention-research in the field of the sociology of action and the subject (Touraine 1978, 1992), based on a set of research experiences on labor unions conducted in recent years. Starting from the theoretical perspective defined by Touraine and the researchers of the Centre d’Analyse et D’Intervention Sociologique (CADIS) for more than thirty years, the article presents four dimensions that characterize intervention-research from our point of view: a) the perspective of subjectification; b) the activation of actors and the transformative role of the intervention-research; c) value orientations; and d) dialogue and collective elaboration. In particular, the crucial role of intervention-research in understanding the modern era is highlighted, as it provides social actors with tools to critically reflect through an inter-subjective process. Finally, the article addresses methodological challenges in the study of transformations of labor and social life.

Keywords: intervention-research; subjectivation; work transformations; methods.

Daniele Di Nunzio, Emanuele Toscano, Ricerca-intervento, sociologia dell’azione e processi di soggettivazione nelle trasformazioni del lavoro e della vita sociale in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 170/2024, pp 166-186, DOI: 10.3280/SL2024-170010