Author/s Ellen Nerenberg, Nicoletta Marini Maio
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2024/67
Language English Pages 22 P. 43-64 File size 379 KB
DOI 10.3280/SC2024-067003
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This article examines and contextualizes the socio-economic model and values system from which the transmedial, transnational text that we call the ‘Winx Project’ is derived. The Winx Project centers on an animated television series for girls and tweens, Winx Club, produced in Italy and distributed in 150 countries, including spin-off television formats, films, live entertainments, an amusement park, merchandising, and fashion. This plural text is employed to measure the functionality of Winx Club within a global, transnationalized discourse of neo-liberal economics as well as a local context that reaches deep into the regional character of social Catholicism to purvey on a global scale its ethics and values system.
Keywords: girlhood studies, cartoon, postfeminism, neo-liberalism, social Catholicism.
Ellen Nerenberg, Nicoletta Marini Maio, Gleaming girls, tween angels: Transmedia girlhood in Winx Club in "SOCIOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE " 67/2024, pp 43-64, DOI: 10.3280/SC2024-067003