Education and socializing about gender with TV series: the case history of the Netflix TV show Sex Education

Author/s Antonella Capalbi
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2024/67
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 78-93 File size 145 KB
DOI 10.3280/SC2024-067005
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Digitalization has been changing the methods of production, distribution, and use of audiovisual products, according to the process of “platformization” (Van Dijck, Poell, de Waal 2018). Platforms have introduced a new user-based model that feeds different forms of participation and spreadability through intermediality and storytelling (Jenkins et al. 2013; Salmon, 2007). This user-based model seems to encourage new ways of representation characterized by many gazes, points of view and identities. Specifically, Netflix’s audiovisual contents, according to an intersectional framework (Weber 2001), show a strong interest about diversity and inclusion as an auto-promotional strategy. This is the case of Netflix’s original TV show Sex Education, by Laurie Nunn, which is characterized by an intersectional perspective in terms of gender representation. Moving from this framework, the aim of the analysis will be to investigate this TV show in depth (Eisenhard 1989), highlighting the intersectional perspective in relation to teen seriality.

Keywords: TV series, gender, intersectionality, Netflix, teen

Antonella Capalbi, Educare e socializzare al genere tramite le serie TV: il caso della serie Netflix Sex Education in "SOCIOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE " 67/2024, pp 78-93, DOI: 10.3280/SC2024-067005