Author/s Roberta Grasselli
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2024/67
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 125-141 File size 127 KB
DOI 10.3280/SC2024-067008
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In recent years, social media and influencers have assumed an increasingly prominent role in the communication and persuasion of charities. Influencers, thanks to their high online visibility and their ability to influence the opinions and behaviors of their followers, have become true ambassadors for charitable causes. Social media offer influencers the ability to reach a wide audience quickly and effectively, allowing them to raise awareness, encourage donations and volunteerism on behalf of nonprofits and associations. This research analyzes the role of social communication and considers existing literature to assess how influencers' trust and credibility are decisive in persuasive advertising communication to promote concrete actions for the common good.
Keywords: charity, communication, influencer, trust, credibility.
Roberta Grasselli, Comunicazione e persuasione a scopo benefico: il ruolo degli influencer in "SOCIOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE " 67/2024, pp 125-141, DOI: 10.3280/SC2024-067008