Il disability management in azienda sanitaria. Uno studio qualitativo Sull’integrazione della risorsa umana con disabilità

Author/s Maria Gabriella Landuzzi, Cristina Mottin, Gabriele La Rosa
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2024/3
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 77-95 File size 466 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2024-003006
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Disability Management can be defined as the workplace process that aims facilitating the inclusion of people with disabilities. The goal of this study is to investigate the experiences of DM reported by experts, in order to identify advantages and criticalities for the workers and the company. The survey was carried out taking a qualitative phenomenological approach. The study population includes employees of a Health Service in northern Italy, who are involved in the management of the careers of people with disabilities. Data collection was conducted through an interview, that was then examined through the “content analysis” method. The scrutinize of the data showed that the DM ensures the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace and promote equity and integration. Considering the future of this management, it is wished a greater advance in placing processes and better all career long monitoring, with a particular attention to possible architectural and cultural barriers.

Keywords: Disability Management, Disability, Workplace Inclusion

Jel codes: J7, M14

Maria Gabriella Landuzzi, Cristina Mottin, Gabriele La Rosa, Il disability management in azienda sanitaria. Uno studio qualitativo Sull’integrazione della risorsa umana con disabilità in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 3/2024, pp 77-95, DOI: 10.3280/ES2024-003006