Author/s Cristina Orlandi
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2025/1
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 91-110 File size 108 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2025-001007
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An introductory overview of Leslie Greenberg’s Emotion-Focused Therapy is provided, given also the fact that Italian publications on this therapeutic approach are scarce. Furthermore, in the Italian literature the same name and its acronym (EFT) are used for Susan Johnson’s Emotionally Focused Therapy, generating an overlap between the two approaches. To give Emotion-Focused Therapy a distinguishable identity in Italy as well, in agreement with Leslie Greenberg it has been proposed the designation of Terapia Centrata sulle Emozioni (“Emotion-Centered Therapy”), which replaces the one by which in Italy both approaches have been translated for more than two decades, namely Terapia Focalizzata sulle Emozioni. It is offered an introduction to the evolution of this therapeutic approach, a look at the theory of self-functioning and dysfunction, and an overview of the compasses that guide clinical practice.
Keywords: Humanistic-experiential psychotherapy; Emotion-focused therapy; Emotions; Emotion transformation; Transdiagnostic approach
Cristina Orlandi, Emotion-Focused Therapy: la terapia centrata sulle emozioni in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 1/2025, pp 91-110, DOI: 10.3280/PU2025-001007