Accessibility as a key enabling knowledge for enhancement of cultural heritage

A cura di: Alberto Arenghi, Ilaria Garofolo, Oddbjorn Sormoen

Accessibility as a key enabling knowledge for enhancement of cultural heritage

How can the topic of accessibility enhance the value of cultural heritage? This book aims at overcoming the traditional relationship between accessibility and disability. The texts address a large audience of professionals, scholars and students who are dealing with topics related to the design and management of accessible spaces, goods and services, with particular reference to those in the cultural heritage, museum and tourist sectors.

Pages: 194

ISBN: 9788891742384

Edition: 1a edizione 2016

Publisher code: 382.7

Availability: Limitata

Pages: 194

ISBN: 9788891739605

Edizione:1a edizione 2016

Publisher code: 382.7

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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How can the topic of accessibility enhance the value of cultural heritage? This book aims at overcoming the traditional relationship between accessibility and disability. Pointing to the core of the question, the volume represents a cultural and operative tool to expand human freedom and the opportunity for all, to give a direct and personal contribution to the growth of society.
The diverse geographical, social and cultural background of the contributors adds a broader insight into the topic. Different visions are brought together in order to raise the awareness of the importance of accessibility as a key strategy for building a truly inclusive society. The texts address a large audience of professionals, scholars and students who are dealing with topics related to the design and management of accessible spaces, goods and services, with particular reference to those in the cultural heritage, museum and tourist sectors.
Heritage is important for everybody. Therefore, it should not be denied to anyone.

Alberto Arenghi Civil Engineer, Associate Professor of Building Technology at the University of Brescia. He is Director of the Interdepartmental Laboratory brixia accessibility lab. Accessibility to Cultural Heritage&Wellbeing (University of Brescia).
Ilaria Garofolo Civil Building Engineer, Full professor of Building Technology at the University of Trieste. She teaches Inclusive and Universal Design and develops research projects in the field of accessibility to cultural heritage.
Oddbjorn Sørmoen Art Historian, he currently works for the KA Norwegian Association for Church Employers, but previously for the Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway, and English Heritage. He has worked extensively with accessibility to cultural heritage and the history and maintenance of sacred architecture.

Marcus Weisen, Foreword
Dario Scarpati, Foreword
Alberto Arenghi, Ilaria Garofolo, Oddbj•rn Sørmoen, Introduction
Simone Fanti, Art, Architecture & Disability: The Right to Beauty
Luca Baraldi, Sense beyond Perception: Conceptual Accessibility and Social Inclusion
Oddbjorn Sørmoen, Access to Life. An Accessibility Rethink
Elena Borin, Fabio Donato, Christine Sinapi, Embedding Inclusion in the Management Approach of Cultural Organizations
Flavia Coccia, Quality Cultural Tourism Needs to be More Accessible
Inge Marie Lid, Access to Cultural Heritage: A Multiscaled Approach
Antonio Laurìa, Accessibility to Cultural Heritage as a Design Challenge
Gian Paolo Treccani, Alberto Arenghi, Different Design Approaches to Accessibility to Cultural Heritage: A Decalogue
Camilla Ryhl, So Much More than Building Regulations: Universal Design and the Case of Practice
Maria Agostiano, The "Compensatory Solutions" for an Alternative Accessibility of Cultural Heritage Sites
Ilaria Garofolo, Gisella Paoletti, How to Communicate and Understand Places and Messages
Teresa Heitor, Antonio Lamas, Carolina Martin, Improving Physical Accessibility to Cultural Landscapes - Learning from the Project "Parques de Sintra Welcome Better"
Authors short profile.

Contributors: Maria Agostiano, Luca Baraldi, Elena Borin, Flavia Maria Coccia, Fabio Donato, Simone Fanti, Teresa Heitor, Antonio Lamas, Antonio Laurìa, Inger Marie Lid, Carolina Martins, Gisella Paoletti, Camilla Ryhl, Christine Sinapi, Gian Paolo Treccani

Serie: Economia e management della cultura e della creatività

Subjects: Economics of Tourism, Commerce and Services

Level: Scholarly Research

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