EU-CEECs Integration: Policies and Markets at Works

A cura di: Salvatore Baldone, Fabio Sdogati

EU-CEECs Integration: Policies and Markets at Works

Pagine: 352

ISBN: 9788846403575

Edizione: 1a edizione 1997

Codice editore: 365.73

Disponibilità: Discreta

The problem of monetary and fiscal convergence among European Union (EU) member countries is receiving much due attention. Such emphasis on the deepening aspects of European integration must not overshadow the pressing problem of enlargement to the East. Indeed, many Central and East European Countries (CEECs) have come a long way in the process of transition, have acquired the status of Associate country, and have formally applied for membership in the European Union.

Thus, in the perspective of CEECs accession to the EU, it is important to identify modes, patterns and strength of the process of integration between EU and CEECs as it has been developing since the beginning of the transition in the associate countries. Integration has proceeded both through policies, i.e. the Association Agreements, and through market channels, i.e. trade, foreign direct investment, and international delocalisation of production.

The papers collected in this book present evidence on each of these channels through which integration is taking place. Accordingly, the book is organized in four parts: policies evaluation, international trade, foreign direct investment, and international delocalisation of production. Results show that the process of integration between the EU and the CEECs is proceeding at a pace much faster than it is often perceived; that the modes of integration are both traditional (trade) and new (delocalisation of production); that competitiveness differentials affect different industries in sometimes sharply different ways; that EU member countries are affected in very different degrees by the process as well as by its modes.

Salvatore Baldone and Fabio Sdogati are respectively Professor and Associate Professor of Economics, Dipartimento di Economia e Produzione, Politecnico di Milano.

Part one - Policies Evaluation and Economic Perspectives - Domenico Mario Nuti, European Community Response to the Transition: Aid, Trade, Access, Enlargement - Renzo Daviddi and Fabienne Ilzkovitz, The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union: Major Challenges for Macro-Economic Policies and Institutions of Central and Eastern European Countries - Miroslav Hrncír, Financial Opening and Exchange Rate Regime: The Case of the Czech Republic - Zoltán Akos Kovács, Recent Evidence and Prospects for Growth in Central-Eastern Europe - Part two - Commercial Policies and Trade Specialisation - Akadius Krzesniak and Wojciech Maciejewski, Implications of Trade Policy Liberalisation for Poland's Trade with the European Union - Salvatore Baldone, Andrea Lasagni and Fabio Sdogati, Emering Patterns of Trade Specialisation EU-CEECs - Part three - Integration through Foreign Direct Investment - Sergio Mariotti and Lucia Piscitello, Foreign Direct Investment in CEECs and the Italian Experience - Alena Zemplinerová, Integration through FDI and Trade in the Czech Republic - Part four - Integration through Decentralisation of Production - Salvatore Baldone, Fabio Sdogati and Aldo Zucchetti, From Integration through Trade in Goods to Integration through Trade in Production Process? Evidence from EU OPT Statistics - Julie Pellegrin, Linking up With Western European Firms: On the Prospects of Outward Processing Traffic - Appendix - Combined Nomenclature: two-digit code (chapter) description.

Contributi: Renzo Daviddi, Miroslav Hrncir, Fabienne Ilkovitz, Zoltan Akos Kovacs, Arkadius Krzesniak, Andrea Lasagni, Wojciech Maciejewski, Sergio Mariotti, Domenico Mario Nuti, Julie Pellegrin, Lucia Piscitello, Alena Zemplinerova, Aldo Zucchetti

Collana: Economia - Ricerche

Argomenti: Economia europea e internazionale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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