Early Modern Universities and the Sciences

A cura di: Vittoria Feola

Early Modern Universities and the Sciences

This collection of essays aims to foster a deeper understanding of some of the ways in which the intertwined relation of philology and experiments gave rise to institutionalised forms of knowledge. Essays deal with both academic practices as well as university reforms stemming from the increasingly widespread methodology of linking the study of texts to observations of natural phenomena. Both were means to amend and improve knowledge from the classics.

Pagine: 260

ISBN: 9788835110187

Edizione: 1a edizione 2020

Codice editore: 144.7

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 260

ISBN: 9788835122012

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Codice editore: 144.7

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Early Modern Universities and the Sciences sheds new light onto little studied higher institutions of learning in Central and Western Europe. Lands such as Finland and Portugal, or universities like Vienna and Trnava, have attracted less attention so far than they deserve. The book demonstrates that the history of better known institutions, like Padua or Paris, benefits from a much broader background in which to consider the impact of alumni networks or far-reaching echoes of reforms across the Atlantic. This collection of essays aims to foster a deeper understanding of some of the ways in which the intertwined relation of philology and experiments gave rise to institutionalised forms of knowledge. Essays deal with both academic practices as well as university reforms stemming from the increasingly widespread methodology of linking the study of texts to observations of natural phenomena. Both were means to amend and improve knowledge from the classics. The study of this phenomenon in its instutionalised setting requires a multidisciplinary approach that mirrors exactly those very knowledge practices it purports to come to grips with. As such, Early Modern Universities and the Sciences is a typical scholarly product of the ever growing contemporary Scientiae academic community, scientiae.co.uk.

Vittoria Feola is an early modern historian at the Department of Historical and Geographical Sciences and the Ancient World, University of Padova. She is the editor of prize-winning Antiquarianism and Science in Early Modern Urban Networks, Paris, 2014, and the author of Elias Ashmole. The Quartercentenary Biography, Rome, 2017. She has published widely on seventeenth-century British and European intellectual history. Vittoria Feola has served as President of Scientiae from 2017 to 2020, and directs the Bartolomeo Gamba Project. She is the editor of the book series Scientiae, Amsterdam University Press, History of British and Irish Philosophy, 1500-1800. Texts and Studies, Mantua University Press, History of Medicine, L'Erma di Bretschneider.

Filiberto Agostini, Preface
Vittoria Feola,
Early Modern Universities and the Sciences in context
Part I. Teaching practices
Elena Taddei, Princely erudition, universities and the Republic of Letters as instruments of networking: the Este, Dukes of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio, and the Holy Roman Empire
Manuela Mayer, Organizing history: Gottfried Bessel (1672-1749) and his Chronicon Gottwicense
Svorad Zavarsky,
The idea of encyclopaedia at the University of Trnava around 1700
Christoph Geudens,
Some notes on the Northern European reception of Frans Titelmans' De consideratione dialectica (1533)
Steven Coesemans,
Logic in the web of sciences: a Louvain case study from the seventeenth century
Part II. Reforms
Mikkel Munthe Jensen, Contesting the universality of European academic degrees. The case of Nordic doctoral degrees during the long eighteenth century
Vittoria Feola,
Paduan alumni and University reforms in Austria
Cecilia af Forselles,
The right way to practice natural history. Pehr Kalm: a Linnaean reformer of academic studies in Finland
Giovanni Silvano,
Philippe Pinel's portrayals according to nineteenth-century French and American pamphlets
Filiberto Agostini,
A source for the study of the University of Padua in the early nineteenth century: the Rectors' annual reports
Giovanni Silvano,
A Project for a New Global History of the Padua Medical School from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment
Giovanni Silvano,
Reflections on the future

Contributi: Cecilia af Forselles, Filiberto Agostini, Steven Coesemans, Christoph Geudens, Manuela Mayer, Mikkel Munthe Jensen, Giovanni Silvano, Elena Taddei, Svorad Zavarsky

Collana: Centro per la storia dell'Università di Padova

Argomenti: Storia politica e diplomatica - Storia dell'istruzione e dell'educazione - Storia della cultura e del costume

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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