Economic valuation of wetlands and partecipatory planning tools

Hajnalka Petrics, Monica Russo

Economic valuation of wetlands and partecipatory planning tools

Pagine: 128

ISBN: 9788846482648

Edizione: 1a edizione 2006

Codice editore: 365.492

Disponibilità: Discreta

This publication is produced in the framework of Project NetWet 2 Waternet Telematic Platform: "Networking Perspectives of Transnational Co-operation and Participatory Planning for Integrated Water Resources Management through the promotion of new forms of Spatial Governance", approved under the 1st Call of proposals of Community Initiative Interreg III B (2000-2006) - CADSES "Central Adriatic Danubian South-eastern European Space".
The first part of this publication focuses on public participation in environmental matters. Public participation in environmental decision making is currently a key issue in the juridical and political debate, along with sociological and anthropological discussions, and has become in the last decades the goal of different recommendations and declarations at the international level, elaborated by the European Union or other international organizations. In this part a deep analysis is also developed as regards the important innovations that community provisions have introduced into the Italian legislation on access to environmental information and public participation. But the work does not limit its horizons to the study of the juridical framework, and goes also through an examination of the strengths and weakness that public participation processes encounter in the Italian daily practice.
The second part of the publication deals with natural resource management. It aims at presenting the process of economic valuation of wetlands with particular reference to their ecological functions. After the analysis of the link between economic valuation and nature protection, it summarises the main aspects of the Water Framework Directive in reference to wetlands, and goes further with an explanation of the main reasons of wetland loss, giving a short insight into the socio-economic importance of wetlands in the Danube areas. Furthermore, it describes the framework of economic valuation of wetlands ending with a detailed presentation of the main valuation techniques used to value wetlands' ecological functions. For a better illustration of these techniques two case studies are also reported.

Andrea Segré, Preface
Part I. Monica Russo, Participatory planning tools in environmental matters
Public participation in environmental matters
(The evolution of public participation in the international arena; The European Community and public participation in environmental decision making; Implications for the Italian legislation on public participation in environmental decision making)
Public participation and the Water Framework Directive
(Participation and access to information under the Water Framework Directive; Italy and the Water Framework Directive)
Public participation in practice
(Strengths and weaknesses of public participation; Italian trends as regards public participation)
Part II. Hajnalka Petrics, Economic valuation of wetlands in relation to their ecological functions
(The link between sub-measure 4.2.2 and the objectives of the NetWet 2 project; The link between economic: valuation of natural resources and nature protection and conservation; The Ramsar Convention)
The water framework directive and wetland conservation
(The purpose of economic valuation according to the WFD)
Rational for economic valuation of wetlands
(Wetland loss; Socio-economic importance of wetlands in the Danube areas)
The role of economic valuation in decision making
(Some basic economic concepts related to environmental valuation; Difficulties faced when valuing environment)
Framework to carry out economic valuation of wetlands
(Determination of the correct assessment approach; Determination of the information needed to carry out the selected assessment; Determination of appropriate economic appraisal methods and valuation techniques)
(The role of wetlands in achieving 'good water status'; The CAP, rural development and water management; Map of the ecological potential of floodplains in the Danube River Basin; The assessment framework for economic valuation of wetlands)

Contributi: Andrea Segrè

Collana: Economia - Ricerche

Argomenti: Economia europea e internazionale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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