The Alien Entrepreneur.

A cura di: Francesco Chiapparino

The Alien Entrepreneur.

Migrant Entrepreneurship in Italian Emigration (Late 19th-20th Cent.) and in the Immigration in Italy at the Turn of the 21st Century

The volume focuses on migrant entrepreneurship, a phenomenon which has strong ties with the societies of origin and profound interrelations within the social contexts of countries where migrants drop anchor. In particular it deals with Italian peninsula, that was one of the main countries of emigration on the European continent, but now is a destination for consistent flows of immigrants.

Pagine: 192

ISBN: 9788856837537

Edizione: 1a edizione 2011

Codice editore: 365.857

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 192

ISBN: 9788856864632

Edizione:1a edizione 2011

Codice editore: 365.857

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Migration systems are rather rich and complex multi-faceted realities. Out of their many aspects, this volume focuses on that of migrant entrepreneurship. This is a phenomenon which has strong ties with the societies of origin and profound interrelations within the social contexts of countries where migrants drop anchor.
Looking at the situation in Italy allows us to examine two different perspectives. The first is that of the connections and position of migrants compared with their own social contexts of origin and the second is that of their interaction with their host country's environment. In fact, during the world's "first globalisation" between the 1800s and 1900s, and again in the years after the Second World War, Italy was one of the main countries of emigration on the European continent. Unexpectedly, due to current globalisation, the Italian peninsula has radically changed its position, becoming a destination for consistent flows of immigrants.
On top of presenting the transformations of a European country, this collection of essays also provides you with suggestions and interpretations for examining a more general phenomenon.
The collection bridges the gap between processes and contexts which are separated in time in this phenomenon which is packed with effects on social cohesion as well as on the economic dynamics of today's world.

Francesco Chiapparino teaches History of Economics at the "Giorgio Fuà" Faculty of Economics at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, in Ancona, Italy. He deals with processes of European industrialisation in contemporary times, as well as with local economic development in post-unitary Italy. He recently participated in the European "Sustainable Development in a Diverse World" research programme promoted by Fondazione Mattei of Milan.

Francesco Chiapparino, Introduction
Ercole Sori, Andrea Alessandrelli, Entrepreneurship abroad in the history of Italian emigration (1861-1961)
(History, current events; Why the Italian Case?; Key concepts: a social emigrant psychology?; Leaving one's country and the subsequent reactions; Undertaking and ethnicity; Active integration and entrepreneurship; The "prince merchants"; The adventures; The social climbers; The neo-artisans; Some quantitative data: Brazil; Some quantitative data: Argentina)
Marco Moroni, Musical instruments, emigrants and entrepreneurs between Italy and the United States (late 1800s and 1900s)
(Emigration, remittances and economic development with a historical viewpoint; From the State to private sector: the use of remittances; Emigration and economic development: regional analyses; Emigration and development: the contribution of network analysis; Emigrants and parallel ethnic economies: food; Music and ethnic enterprises; Emigration and business development in the case of the accordion; In the second postwar period: from boom to collapse; Epilogue: the productive reorganisation)
Edith Pichler, Ethnic economics: the Italian enterpreneurs in Germany
(Introduction; Brief hostory and tradition of Italian self-employment in Germany; Minorities, ethnic economy and transnationalism; Conditions, development and typology of Italian ethnic entrepreneurship in Germany; Milieus and business opportunities. A case study: Berlin's Italians; The different typologies; Milieus and economics: the catering sector; Enterpreneurs and milieus: some biographies; Final observations on ethnic economy and opportunity)
Gabriele Morettini, Enterpreneurship and immigratio: Italian case and regional models (1990s-2000s)
(Immigration flows in Italy; Immigration and interpreneurship. The reasons for an analysis; The utilised methodology; The three main groups; Regional models; The singular origins; Enterpreneur origins and regional models; Some questions; Conclusions; Appendix)
Francesco Orazi, Marco Socci, Immigrants enterpreneurship and local development: an original integration model for the foreign population in Italy
(Introduction; From the metropolis to the province, an Italian particularism?; Local development and industrial districts: a possible way for ethnic entrepreneurship; The areas of the Nec (Northeast and Central Italy): a possible model for ethnic industrial settlement; Indexes for introductio and integration of immigrants: a brief reference outline; Potential for integration in the Italian provinces and regions; Conclusive considerations)

Contributi: Andrea Alessandrelli, Gabriele Morettini, Marco Moroni, Francesco Orazi, Edith Pichler, Marco Socci, Ercole Sori

Collana: Economia - Ricerche

Argomenti: Storia economica - Sociologia delle migrazioni e dello sviluppo

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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