War, Trade and Neutrality.

A cura di: Antonella Alimento

War, Trade and Neutrality.

Europe and the Mediterranean in seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

The book’s underlying idea is that the Mediterranean is of decisive importance for any investigation into the political and commercial relations between states of different size and “constitutional” structure in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It thus scrutinises the practices, institutions and cultural tendencies of the region’s ruling classes, from those of the Italian “small states” to those of the great powers.

Pagine: 272

ISBN: 9788856845143

Edizione: 1a edizione 2011

Codice editore: 1573.400

Disponibilità: Nulla

Pagine: 272

ISBN: 9788856872231

Edizione:1a edizione 2011

Codice editore: 1573.400

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

This book is the culmination of a research project funded by the University of Pisa's internationalisation support programme of 2008-10.
The project's underlying idea is that the Mediterranean is of decisive importance for any investigation into the political and commercial relations between states of different size and constitutional structure in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It thus scrutinises the practices, institutions and cultural tendencies of the region's ruling classes, from those of the Italian small states to those of the great powers. Salerno, Edigati, Angiolini, Addobbati and Zamora examine the theme of the small state by focusing on the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and its foreign policy centred on the free port of Livorno and the principle of neutrality, while Herrero and Aglietti describe how diplomats from the Republic of Genoa, the Dutch Republic and the consuls of the Italian small states helped preserve the European balance of power.
Since war was a catalyst for the internal reorganisation of states, the correlation of war, trade and neutrality as processes of emulation is investigated by Stapelbroek, Alimento and Calafat, while the reception and circulation of theoretical models is recounted by Trampus, Schnakenbourg and Spagnesi. The book is also enriched by the reflections of Guasti, Montorzi and Salvemini regarding the project's methodological structures and outcomes.

Antonella Alimento , PhD from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, teaches Early Modern History in the History Department of the University of Pisa. Her most significant works include: Réformes fiscales et crises politiques dans la France de Louis XV. De la taille tarifée au cadastre général (2008, Italian first edition 1995); Finanze ed amministrazione. Un'inchiesta francese sui catasti nell'Italia del Settecento (1763-1764) , (2008). She also edited Modelli d'Oltre confine: Prospettive economiche e sociali negli antichi stati italiani (2009).

Antonella Alimento, Introduction
Part I. Politics, the "intervention practices" and neutrality
Manuel Herrero Sánchez, Republican diplomacy and the power balance in Europe
Marcella Aglietti, The consular institution between war and commerce, state and nation: Comparative examples in eighteenthcentury Europe
Francisco Javier Zamora Rodríguez, War, trade, products and consumption patterns: The Ginori and their information networks
Daniele Edigati, The Tuscan Edict of 1748 and ancien régime maritime legislation
Franco Angiolini, From the neutrality of the port to the neutrality of the state: Projects, debates and laws in Habsburg-Lorraine Tuscany
Mario Montorzi, Legislation and trade: Reflections from the margins
Antonella Alimento, Commercial treaties and the harmonisation of national interests: The Anglo-French case (1667-1713)
Koen Stapelbroek, The emergence of Dutch neutrality: Trade, treaty politics and the peace of the Republic
Andrea Addobbati, The capture of the Thetis: A cause célèbre at the Madrid Council of War (1780-1788)
Biagio Salvemini, The "intervention practices" of the late ancien régime: Notes on the institutional and mercantile spheres of eighteenth-century Europe
Part II. Neutrality and the reception of theoretical models
Guillaume Calafat, Ottoman North Africa and ius publicum europaeum: The case of the treaties of peace and trade (1600-1750)
Emanuele Salerno, Stare pactis and neutrality. Grotius and Pufendorf in the political thought of the early eighteenth century Grand Duchy of Tuscany
Eric Schnakenbourg, From a right of war to a right of peace: Martin Hübner's contribution to the reflection on neutrality in the eighteenth century
Antonio Trampus, The circulation of Vattel's Droit des gens in Italy: the doctrinal and practical model of government
Enrico Spagnesi, The trade of "neutral nations" as viewed by the publicist Lampredi
Niccolò Guasti, Natural law and the birth of political economy in the eighteenth century
About the authors

Contributi: Andrea Addobbati, Marcella Aglietti, Franco Angiolini, Guillaume Calafat, Daniele Edigati, Niccolò Guasti, Manuel Herrero-Sanchez, Mario Montorzi, Emanuele Salerno, Biagio Salvemini, Eric Schnakenbourg, Enrico Spagnesi, Koen Stapelbroek, Antonio Trampus, Francisco Javier Zamora Rodriguez

Collana: Storia/studi e ricerche

Argomenti: Storia economica - Storia politica e diplomatica

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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