Parents, nurses and doctors in hospital. The group in paediatric oncoematology: a model of reflection and intervention

Journal title INTERAZIONI
Author/s Anna Maria Castignani
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/2
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 77-93 File size 212 KB
DOI 10.3280/INT2018-002007
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The parental ability, and the couple itself, is put to the test when the child is suffering from a serious organic disease. It is necessary to help the parents in order that them can accept the child’s feeling without being scared and "thinking" the medical practices and treatment pathway. It is desirable that also the sanitary operators could be helped to disengage from the need to act emotions that do not find the words to be expressed. In the hospital the group is proposed as the most suitable device to contain the splitting and protection processes, which are implemented by comparison with serious disease, and to mobilize transformative capabilities (skills).

Keywords: Serious illness, group, emotions, split, projection.

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Anna Maria Castignani, Genitori, infermieri e medici in ospedale. Il gruppo in oncoematologia pediatrica: un modello di riflessione e di intervento in "INTERAZIONI" 2/2018, pp 77-93, DOI: 10.3280/INT2018-002007