Applying social innovation in urban policy: a case study from the italian context

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Luca Tricarico, Rosamaria Bitetti, Maria Isabella Leone
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/96
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 108-115 File size 793 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2021-096010
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The goal of this study is to conceptualize a policy cycle that incorporates in all its phases the approach of social and territorial innovation. This conceptualization will be supported by the case study of an urban policy promoted by the Municipality of Milan included in the national framework of the Social Innovation Fund (fis). The project under consideration was delivered as a complex program established to improve entrepreneurship, skills and the creation of job opportunities in peripheral areas. The hypothesis tested here is whether social and territorial innovation can be not only the content, but also the method for creating a territorial development policy: by acquiring the dispersed knowledge of actors and targets, by triggering collective intelligence processes in redefinition social needs and by proposing shared among the stakeholders.

Keywords: social impact; urban policy; social innovation

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Luca Tricarico, Rosamaria Bitetti, Maria Isabella Leone, L’innovazione sociale nelle politiche urbane. Un caso studio nel contesto italiano in "TERRITORIO" 96/2021, pp 108-115, DOI: 10.3280/TR2021-096010