Adolescents and pandemic: health promotion interventions in schools

Author/s Francesca Pierazzuoli, Laura Gorla, Alessandra Santona, Cinzia Rosilde Galletti, Daniela Codazzi
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/131
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 59-76 File size 658 KB
DOI 10.3280/TF2023-131005
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The current work describes emotional and relational aspects of adolescent’s condition during pandemic of Covid-19, detected in a sample of 375 students between 14 and 18 years old who participated in a health promotion intervention implemented in high and professional schools in Lombardy. Results showed that the lockdown experience significantly impacted most participants’ everyday life, producing feelings of indifference, loneliness and boredom, in addition to of rela- tionships importance a greater understanding of the importance of relationships. Adolescents’ adaptability to de pandemic condition emerges, nevertheless the perceived restrictions and emotional and relation difficulties not always recogni- zed by respondents.

Keywords: consultori, adolescents, school, pandemic, prevention

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Francesca Pierazzuoli, Laura Gorla, Alessandra Santona, Cinzia Rosilde Galletti, Daniela Codazzi, Adolescenti e pandemia: interventi di promozione della salute nella scuola in "TERAPIA FAMILIARE" 131/2023, pp 59-76, DOI: 10.3280/TF2023-131005