Fondata da Mario Dal Pra

4 issues per year, ISSN 0393-2516 , ISSNe 1972-5558

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 31.50

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 26.00

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Founded in 1946 by Mario Dal Pra, the Rivista di storia della filosofia soon made its mark in Italy and abroad thanks to its fresh approach to hypotheses and its philologically rigorous investigations into themes and questions arising from the historical tradition of Western thought. It has dedicated monographic issues to the thoughts of Dewey, Russell, Carnap, Vailati, Hobbes, Hume, Aristotle, Epicurus, Abelard, Husserl, Kant, Hegel and Quine. It has also published, and continues to publish, studies on the most interesting questions in the history of thought, as well as documents and previously unpublished texts. It also examines the significant aspects of current philosophical debate, whilst maintaining a direct link between the history of philosophy and research in other areas of culture and following the teaching of philosophy in secondary schools and universities.

General editor: Enrico Isacco Rambaldi
Associate editore: Giovanni Rota
Executive board: Jaap Mansfeld, Maria Teresa Marcialis, Gianni Paganini, Gregorio Piaia, Marco Ivaldo
Scientific board: Stefano Besoli, Luca Bianchi, Mauro Bonazzi, Michele Ciliberto, Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, Riccardo Fedriga, Luc Foisneau, Annamaria Loche, Jorge Mittelmann, Massimo Parodi, Gaetano Rametta, Birgit Sandkaulen, Emanuela Scribano, Franco Trabattoni, Paolo Valore
Editors: Paul Goodrick

Review and editorial office: Rivista di storia della filosofia - c/o CNR-ISPF - Via Roberto Cozzi, 53 - 20125 Milano.
Enrico I. Rambaldi (enrico.rambaldi@unimi.it)
Giovanni Rota (giovanni.rota@ispf.cnr.it)

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Issue 4/2024


Note e discussioni

