History of the Operative Group Technique

Journal title FORUM
Author/s Enrique Pichon-Rivière
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/3
Language English Pages 12 P. 7-18 File size 107 KB
DOI 10.3280/FORU2009-002003
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<em>History of the Operative Group Technique</em> - This is the first published article of Pichon-Rivière in English known to his estate. It is the product of a joint effort of the Latin-American Federation for Analytical Group Psychotherapy (FLAPAG) and FORUM - Journal of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes to make Pichon-Rivière’s work better known to the English speaking community. The present text is the transcription of a class originally given by Dr. Enrique Pichon-Rivière on 13 May 1970. It was first published by Temas de Psicologia Social, year 4, number 3, September 1980 and later incorporated into the second edition of ‘El Processo Grupal’ Ediciones Nueva Visión, Buenos Aires, 1985. It is published here with the authorization of the Pichon-Rivière family whom we thank deeply. Translated by Pablo de Carvalho Godoy Castanho (FLAPAG) and Teresa von Sommaruga Howard (FORUM) from the Spanish original collated against the French translation by Danièle Faugeras.

Enrique Pichon-Rivière, History of the Operative Group Technique in "FORUM" 3/2009, pp 7-18, DOI: 10.3280/FORU2009-002003