Dinamiche di collaborazione interospedaliera: un’analisi longitudinale nella regione Abruzzo

Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Valentina Evangelista, Fausto Di Vincenzo
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2014/92
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 9-26 File size 917 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2014-092002
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This study analyzes the evolution of the collaborative network between the hospitals of the Abruzzo region between 2009 and 2011 using the Social Network Analysis theories and methods. The analysis shows that hospitals collaborate using an inherent memory consisting of the previous relations and of endogenous self-organizing mechanisms. Also the LHA membership, the number of staffed beds, the geographical distance from other hospitals, the percentage of admitted in emergency and the percentage of inappropriate hospital admissions affect the propensity of hospitals to cooperate. The implications for managers and policy makers are discussed.

Keywords: Inter-hospital collaboration, longitudinal analysis, Abruzzo

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  • Il contributo delle reti sanitarie "spontanee" al miglioramento degli outcome: opportunità e sfide nella prospettiva della progettazione dei sistemi di programmazione e controllo Vincenzo Vignieri, Carmine Bianchi, Astrid Pietrosi, Giuseppe Provenzale, in MECOSAN 109/2020 pp.83
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Valentina Evangelista, Fausto Di Vincenzo, Dinamiche di collaborazione interospedaliera: un’analisi longitudinale nella regione Abruzzo in "MECOSAN" 92/2014, pp 9-26, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2014-092002