Rivista semestrale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Analitica. Nuova edizione Open Access

2 issues per year, ISSNe 1971-8411

Articoli della rivista disponibili in modalità . Open Access

Biannual magazine of the Italian Association for Analytical Psychology.
Founded officially in 1995, Studi Junghiani aims to promote the in-depth study and comparative analysis of the various trends and clinical and theoretical themes present in the Association, and, in more general terms, in the Italian and international analytical psychology community. It is also open to contributions from a wider audience of psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and researchers interested in depth psychology and in C.G. Jung’s thought. More specifically, the journal's aim is to lead the way in the diffusion of Jungian thought, both at a cultural and applied level, and to publish research in fields that contribute to a deeper understanding of specific areas of Jung’s theory: the "epistemological and historical" sphere, involving a comparison of analytical psychology with psychiatry, philosophy and the history of ideas; the archetypal area with its references to anthropology, mythology and the various forms of religious experience; the clinical-institutional area, concerning both individual and group therapy, psychopathology, psychotherapy in institutions, and the techniques of active imagination and sandplay therapy.

General Editor: Filippo Strumia
Editorial board:Filippo Strumia (Presidente), Valerio Colangeli, Valentino Franchitti (coordinatore del CdR), Assunta Maglione, Salvatore Martini.
Editors:: Gaetana Bonasera – Cristina Brunialti – Giancarlo Costanza – Valentino Franchitti – Maria Gloria Gleijeses – Costanza Jesurum – Silvana Lucariello – Anna Mendicini – Gianfranco Pastore – Barbara Persico – Cesare Tarquini Guetti – Manuela Tartari
Editing: Francesca Giuli

To contact the Editorial Committee: E-mail redazionale: Indirizzo sito web Aipa:

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The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

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ANVUR scientific journal: Area 10, Area 11

The circulation of the magazine is intended to enhance the impact at an audience of psychiatrists, psychotherapists and mental health professionals

Issue 60/2024



Premio Migliorati. Seconda edizione, a cura di Valentino Franchitti

Amplificazioni, a cura di Barbara Persico e Manuela Tartari

Recensioni, a cura di Giancarlo Costanza e Valentino Franchitti

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