Fascicolo 2/2021
- Michele Guidi, Marco Giuliani, Maria Serena Chiucchi, Stefano Marasca, The assurance of non-financial disclosure: A longitudinal analysis of the academic and professional literature
- Rebecca Miccini, Non-financial disclosure and women on board: Is a mandatory approach on gender quotas effective to increase communication quality?
- Carlo Bagnoli, Antonio Costantini, Maurizio Massaro, Improving business model disclosure in the annual report: Insights from an interventionist research project
- Brigitte de Graaff, Bert Steens, Kees Camfferman, Integrated reporting: Much ado about nothing?
- Alberto Quagli, Paola Ramassa, Marco Venuti, Dialogue with standard setters. edited by Raffaele Fiume and Tiziano Onesti. COVID-19: The impact on IFRS Financial Reporting
- Rosa Lombardi, Book reviews
Fascicolo 1/2021
- Giulio Greco, Lorenzo Neri, Accounting discretion in family firms: The case of goodwill write-off. Evidence from US firms
- Chiara Crovini, Giovanni Ossola, Is risk reporting a possible link between financial and management accounting in private firms?
- Thomas Ryttersgaard, Bridge over troubled water: Is it possible to define other comprehensive income?
- Elisa Roncagliolo, Francesco Avallone, The complexity in measuring M&A performance: Is a multi-dimensional approach enough?
- Raffaele Fiume, Tiziano Onesti, Giorgio Alessio Acunzo, Leo Van der Tas, The IASB proposals on the recognition of regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities in the IFRS financial statements
- Roberto Di Pietra, Stefano Zambon, Giuseppe Marzo, Book reviews
- A cura della Redazione, Reviewer 2020