Psychological contructivism and the social world

A cura di: Gabriele Chiari, Maria Laura Nuzzo

Psychological contructivism and the social world

Pagine: 416

ISBN: 9788846448125

Edizione: 1a edizione 2003

Codice editore: 1240.209

Disponibilità: Limitata

What is the connection between a theory of knowledge and the social world? And, more specifically, what personal construct psychology (PCP) has to do with values such as social justice or empowerment?

Those who share an interest in PCP could, and maybe should give a contribution to issues of social and political importance, especially in the historical period we are going through, characterised as it is by economic inequalities, ethnic and religious conflicts, and environmental deterioration. However, the PCP community has not been showing enough interest in social and political matters up to now. As a consequence, it does not appear as a member of the emerging movement of critical psychology . And yet, what joins the main disciplinary components of critical psychology - that is, sociological critical theory, psychological social constructionism, philosophical hermeneutics - is the common theoretical critiques of how mainstream psychology pursues knowledge. Scientific knowledge - mainstream psychology claims - is about facts, not about values, and an accumulation of objective facts devoid of personal and political interests can solve all human problems. Kelly refused this view of knowledge fifty years ago. In the light of a postmodern view of knowledge, the claim that science is value-free is an illusion. We have no direct or immediate access to a real world independent of our interpretation. We are enmeshed in the world, embedded in a historical culture, which provides us with descriptions of possible meanings we can give to our realities, our lives, ourselves. In doing research, in helping clients, in training students, as well as in all our daily activities, we are carriers of values. This is a view that all personal construct psychologists can easily share. This volume wants to give a contribution in this direction offering new views in the fields of education, management, health and social services, assessment, counselling, clinical psychology and psychotherapy.

Scritti di : Tim Acton, Britt Marie Apelgren, Elvira Apraiz, Ann Bailey, Francesca Battistella, Richard Bell, Ilaria Bracardi, Vivien Burr, Trevor Butt, Gabriele Chiari, Lorenzo Cionini, Sabrina Cipolletta, Ray Clapp, Nelarine Cornelius, Beryl Crooks, Pam Denicolo, Dorota Dobosz, John M. Fisher, Mary Frances, Gary Fry, Maria A. Gee, Marco Gemignani, Nick Gilbert, John B. Gillies, Ian Gillman-Smith, Alessandra Iantaffi, Devi Jankowicz, Joy Jarvis, Devorah Kalekin-Fishman, Gillian L. Malins, Bettina Matt, Gillian M. Mayes, David M. Mills, Maria Laura Nuzzo, Lindsay G. Oades, Maria Cristina Ortu, Marie-Louise Österlind, Maureen Pope, Marijana Popovic, Gianluca Provvedi, Derek E. Purdy, Giada Racerro, Sergio Raffaelli, Dominik Maria Rosenauer, Nicole G. Rossotti, Phillida Salmon, Antonella Sapio, Indra Sinka, Thomas Slunecko, Linda L. Viney, Beverly M. Walker, Sue Watson, Graeme B. Wilson, David A. Winter, Adriano Zamperini.

Gabriele Chiari , MD, registered psychotherapist, is co-director of the School of Constructivist Psychotherapy at the "Centre for Studies in Cognitive Psychotherapy", CESIPc, of Florence; contract professor of constructivist psychotherapy at the University of Siena; teacher fellow of the "Italian Society of Behavior and Cognitive Therapy", SITCC, and of the "Italian Association of Constructivist Psychology and Psychotherapy", AIPPC; member of the editorial board of the "Journal of Constructivist Psychology"; convenor of the "European Personal Construct Association", EPCA, and of the International PCP Steering Group.

Maria Laura Nuzzo , clinical psychologist, registered psychotherapist, is Director of the "Centre of Constructivist Psychology and Psychotherapy", CPPC, of Rome; President of the "Italian Association of Constructivist Psychology and Psychotherapy", AIPPC; teacher fellow of the "Italian Society of Behavior and Cognitive Therapy", SITCC, and of the AIPPC; teacher of the School of Constructivist Psychotherapy at the CESIPc of Florence; member of the Ethical Committee of the "Italian Federation of the Associations of Psychotherapy", FIAP.

Parte I. Critical and Postmodern Psychology

Gabriele Chiari, Maria Laura Nuzzo , In the Manner of a Preface: Replacing Personal Construct Psychology in its Natural Context: Critical Psychology
Devorah Kalekin-Fishman , From Construing to Post-Construing? Post-Social Relations in a Post-Modern World
Antonella Sapio, Adriano Zamperini , Passive Bystanders in front of Violence and Injustice: From Inertia to Change in Social Thinking
Marco Gemignani , Multiculturalism and Reification of Culture: A Constructvivist-Postmodern View
Vivien Burr , Making Sense and the Ambiguity of the Lived World
Gary Fry, Trevor Butt, Richard Bell , Joint Action and Core Construing
Alessandra Iantaffi , From Klein to Kelly: Construing Bisexuality to Reshape Societal and Gendered Expectations
Davis M. Mills , Body, Mind and Society
Phillida Salmon , Human Time
John M. Fisher , Fraggle Rock: A Study in Isolationism
Devi Jankowicz , Cross-Cultural Knowledge Transfer: Translation as a Mutual Negotiation of Disparate Meanings
Part II. Constructivism and Education
Maureen Pope, Pam Denicolo , Images of Teaching: Reflections from Student Teachers, Practicing Teachers and Teacher Educators
Britt Marie Apelgren , Researching Lived Expiriences: A Study on Swedish Foreing Language Teachers' voices on theaching and change
Beryl Crooks , The Combined Use of Personal Construct Psychology and Activity Theory as a Framework for Interpreting the Process of Indipendet Learning
Alessandra Iantaffi, Indra Sinka, Joy Jarvis , Changing Perspective: Inteviewing Deaf Pupils about Inclusion
Part III. Constructivism and Management
Ray Clapp, Nelarine Cornelius , New Views on Equality Action in Organisation
Derek E. Purdy , Construing Information and Influence: A Matrix Approach
Derek E. Purdy, Maria A. Gee , Constructions about Managers Handling Accounting Data: A Framework of Issues and some Evidence form the Private Sector in the UK
Maria A. Gee , New Approaches to Triad Selection and Analysis of Construct Grids: A Contextual Presentation
Marie-Louise Österlind , Father, Friend, Visionary Leader or Business Executive: Swedish Senior Municipal Directors' Construction of Leadership
John M. Fisher , A Longitudinal Study Into the Creation of a Service Provision Company (Phase 1)
Mary Frances , Conflict in Groups: A PCP Approach
Part IV. Constructuvusm in Health and Social Services
Pam Denicolo , Constructivist/Action Research in the Community: Building on Experience of Practice for the Future
Gillian L. Malins, Lindsay G. Oades, Linda L. Viney , Consuming Constructs: Why are Mental Health Consumers Asked to Passively Consume Services?
Graeme B. Wilson, John B. Gillies, Gillian M. Mayes , Fathers as Co-Parents: How Non-Resident Fathers Construe Family Situations after Separation or Divorce
Part V. Constructivist Instruments
Dorota Dobosz , The Repertory Grid Interview and Laddering as Complementary Intruments for Organisational Culture Analysis Based on the Ethnographic Approach
Richard C. Bell , An Evaluation of Indices Used to Represent Construct Structure
Ann Bailey, Beverly M. Walker , Using Psychophotography as a Non-Verbal Measure of Constriction
Marijana Popovic , Constructivist Approach to T.A.T (Thematic Apperception Test)
Elvira Apraiz , A Constructivist Paradigm, Using Pictures of Paintings for Assisting Communication during Couselling of People with Learning Disabilities
Parte VI. Constructivist in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Bettina Matt, Thomas Slunecko , How Therapists of Different Orientation Conceptualize the Therapeutic Relationship: An Application of the Repertory-Grid Technique
Nicole G. Rossotti, David A. Winter , Threat and Chaos
David A. Winter, Sue Watson, Ian Gullman-Smith, Nick Gilbert, Tim Action, Border Crossing: A Personal Construct Group Therapy Approach for Clients with a Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder
Sabrina Cipolletta, Giada Recerro , Testing the Serial Invalidation Hypothesis in the Genesis of Schizo phrenic Thought Disorder: A Research with Repertory Grids
Lorenzo Cionini, Gianluca Provvedi , Explication and Understanding in the Psychotherapeutic Process: The Co-Construction Process of the 'Logic' of the Symptom by the Therapist and Patient
M. Cristina Ortu , Psychotherapy as Conversation: The Realm of "The-Still-Unsaid"
Dominik Maria Rosenauer , Construct System of Alcoholics
Francesca Battistella, Ilaria Bracardi, Sergio Raffaelli , Discursive Drugs: A Constructivist Approach to toPsychiatric Practice.

Contributi: Tim Acton, Britt Marie Apelgren, Elvira Apraiz, Ann Bailey, Francesca Battistella, Richard C. Bell, Richard Bell, Ilaria Bracardi, Vivien Burr, Trevor Butt, Lorenzo Cionini, Sabrina Cipolletta, Ray Clapp, Nelarine Cornelius, Beryl Crooks, Pam Denicolo, Dorota Dobosz, John M. Fisher, Mary Frances, Gary Fry, Maria A. Gee, Marco Gemignani, Nick Gilbert, Ian Gillman-Smith, Alessandra Iantaffi, Devi Jankowicz, Joy Jarvis, Devorah Kalekin-Fishman, Gillian L. Malins, Bettina Matt, Gillian M. Mayes, David M. Mills, Lindsay G. Oades, Maria Cristina Ortu, Marie-Louise Osterlind, Maureen Pope, Marijana Popovic, Gianluca Provvedi, Derek E. Purdy, Giada Racerro, Sergio Raffaelli, Dominik Maria Rosenauer, Nicole G. Rossotti, Phillida Salmon, Antonella Sapio, Indra Sinka, Thomas Slunecko, Linda L. Viney, Beverly M. Walker, Sue Watson, Graeme B. Wilson, David A. Winter, Adriano Zamperini

Collana: Serie di psicologia

Argomenti: Psicopatologie e tecniche per l'intervento clinico - Cognitivismo, costruttivismo

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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