Author/s Ilaria Picci, Stéphanie Frau, Andrea Moi, Mersia Gabbrielli, Silvia Caredda, Federica Casula, Alessandra Cau, Martina Deidda, Marco Guicciardi
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2025/1
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 73-85 File size 147 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2025-001007
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The “Guess Your Health” pilot project is an intervention developed by the students of the Postgraduate Specialization School in Health Psychology at the University of Cagliari, Italy, aimed at promoting the adoption of healthy lifestyles among young people. The intervention took place within the school context and involved four different secondary schools in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari, with a total of 11 classes and 187 students aged between 14 and 19. The intervention employed a participatory methodology that incorporated playful-interactive and multimedia tools, allowing students to actively engage in becoming more aware of their lifestyles. Preliminary analysis indicated the interest of students involved in the activities in the proposed topics and a high level of appreciation for the multimedia methods used to communicate the information. The acquired results highlight the importance of promoting interventions that utilize innovative and multimedia tools capable of fostering thoughtful and participatory reflection among adolescents regarding healthy lifestyle habits in the school setting.
Keywords: healthy lifestyles, game, quiz, health promotion, schools, students
Ilaria Picci, Stéphanie Frau, Andrea Moi, Mersia Gabbrielli, Silvia Caredda, Federica Casula, Alessandra Cau, Martina Deidda, Marco Guicciardi, Guess Your Health, un progetto pilota di promozione della salute in contesto scolastico in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 1/2025, pp 73-85, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2025-001007