Author/s Tonino Griffero
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2025/1
Language Italian Pages 6 P. 50-55 File size 64 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2025-001004
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This anti-critique rejects some objections found in the otherwise interesting article by Santamato (2025), which focuses on the contradictions of atmospherology and the risks of its psychopathological adoption. The fact that such a radically externalist project (atmospheres as feelings present in space) is controversial is, however, not a flaw but an added value (at least philosophically). Moreover, both Santamato’s interpretation of some key concepts (spurious atmospheres, lived body, normative aspects, etc.) needs to be corrected, and the objection of overall contradiction must be rejected. Santamato’s article simply adopts a paradigm (intentionality of atmospheres, affective introjection, etc.) that is completely foreign to the atmospheric presuppositions (primacy of the pathic and the lived body, critique of the rational autonomy of the subject, etc.). But does it make sense to embrace the atmospheric paradigm while stripping it of these revolutionary ontological presuppositions?
Keywords: Atmospheres; Introjectionism; Psychopatology; Affective space; Atmospheric competence
Tonino Griffero, Interventi. Qualche riflessione atmosferologica. Una anti-critica in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 1/2025, pp 50-55, DOI: 10.3280/PU2025-001004